The Ultimate Move-In Day Checklist for Landlords

The Ultimate Move-In Day Checklist for Landlords

Move-in day is a pivotal moment for landlords and residents alike. As a landlord, you look forward to this day after a period of preparation that no doubt was a bit overwhelming!

Move-in day is not just about handing over the keys; it’s about establishing a positive relationship with your new resident and setting clear expectations for property care, communication, and maintenance. In this article, our goal is to provide you with a solid checklist you can use to ensure a smooth and successful day.

Let’s dive in!

☑Prepare Your Property

Before move-in day arrives, it’s crucial that your property is rent-ready. This includes addressing any necessary repairs, cleaning, and ensuring that all appliances and systems are in working order.

There are plenty of resources out there to reference when determining your first step. Our comprehensive guide to preparing your rental property includes all of the most important steps to take and considerations to keep in mind as you prepare your property for a new resident to call it home!

☑Conduct a Thorough Walkthrough

Before your resident arrives with their moving truck, it’s important to take the time for a walkthrough of the whole property, inside and out.

Keep these considerations in mind as you go:

  • Inspect the Property: Check all appliances, structures, lights, and outlets. Look for any issues that need to be addressed immediately.    

  • Take Photos: Document the state of each room with photos. Pay close attention to details that could become points of contention later, such as small cracks, stains, or any instances of preexisting wear and tear.

  • Document Structural Issues: Note any structural problems that won’t be repaired before the resident moves in. This includes cracked tiles, damaged walls, flooring, or any exterior damage. Clearly document these issues so the resident isn’t held responsible later by mistake.

☑Schedule a Walkthrough with Your New Resident

After you have inspected your property and taken note of it’s current condition, it’s time to do the same thing with your new resident in tow. This step ensures that you’re both on the same page when it comes to the state of the property.

Consider these steps during this meeting:

  • Joint Inspection of the Property: Walk through the entire property with your new resident. Take notes on anything they observe that wasn’t on your original inventory. This ensures transparency and builds trust.

  • Address Repairs: Ensure the resident is comfortable with the status of any pending repairs and provide timelines for when these will be addressed. If they raise any issues, clarify whether there is a plan to remedy them already in motion or, if not, make note to address them and determine the date and time you'll send the resident an update.

☑Communicate Expectations

The Ultimate Move-In Day Checklist for Landlords

Move-in day is a great opportunity for you to clearly communicate any expectations you have regarding your property. Take some time before the day arrives to clarify these expectations and be ready to discuss with your resident.

Here are a few to consider as you think of those specific to your property:

  • Property Upkeep: Discuss how often the resident should tend to outdoor spaces and important systems or appliances. Clarify responsibilities for tasks like mowing the lawn, snow removal, HVAC requirements, and any specific care instructions for the property. For example, if there’s an emergency heating system, generator, dehumidifier, or sump pump, explain how these should be maintained and what is up to them versus your contracted maintenance individual or team.

  • Maintenance Requests and Communication: Clearly outline how residents should submit maintenance requests. Provide information about communication protocols and any platforms they need to use. It’s especially helpful to leave a magnet on the fridge with emergency contact numbers for plumbers, electricians, etc.

  • Rent Collection: Explain the rent payment process, including due dates, acceptable payment methods, and consequences of late payments. Ensure the resident understands all deadlines and any late fee policies.

Final Thoughts: Move-In Day for Landlords

A successful move-in day that prepares your resident with all of the information they need sets the tone for a positive landlord-resident relationship far into the future. By using this checklist, you can ensure that both you and your resident are on the same page, paving the way for a smooth tenancy.

If managing these tasks feels overwhelming or too time-intensive for you, consider outsourcing to a professional property management company like Evernest. We handle all of the details and bring our wealth of experience to work for your property and residents.

Visit our website to find the Evernest team near you and get started today!
